Thursday, March 25, 2010

Journal #6, Darcy

After the crash we were stranded on a small island in the middle of nowhere. There were no other humans on the island only some small animals. We had no way to contact people to tell them where we were. We figured out quickly that we would have to do everything ourselves which would make us to co-operate. We needed a leader to delegate task to do. We choose Faham because he seemed to be the best candidate for the job. The first night on the island was the hardest for us because there was a storm and we had no shelters prepared. We were able to get some supplies from the plane after the crash. After the storm it seemed to us that we still had most of them but a couple might have been taken away with the storm. For the most part of the time we spent on the island we were able to co-operate with each other but there were sometimes that it was hard to do. For example when we were building the shelters a couple members left to go and have fun. This caused the group a problem because the people that worked on the shelters wanted the people that went off to have fun to also do an equal amount of work like everyone else. We were usually able to work out the problem quickly so the group wouldn’t split into another group. We had to build a lot of things like shelters and waste treatment but we were able to do it together and have some fun doing it. When we were looking for food we were able to catch pigs usually but we were unable to catch any fish. Our main food supply wad made up of pigs and fruit and berries on the island. At some points it was hard to get food which would affect everyone but we persevered and eventually got some food. Some of the food we got we were unable to eat like some berries because they were poisonous. Luckily no one was hurt from the berries because Josh recognized them and told everyone not to eat them. The worst part of being stranded was probably the amount of work we had to do. There was no humans on this island before so were had to start from scratch with everything. The best part of being stranded was probably the amount of things we learned to do and the things we learned about each other. For example I did not know a lot about what things you can eat and what you can but Josh taught all of us what he knew about them and probably helped us from eating poisonous things on the island. The time spent on the island felt a lot longer than the actual time we spent there but it was a time well spent.



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