Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Journal #2 Darcy

Today we were working on the shelters when a couple of the guys just walked off. That meant that the rest of us guys working on the shelters would have to work even harder to finish by the end of the day. We just came to this island so a lot of things still need to be done. After we have finished them we can have fun but not half way through a project. We do not have many people that can build things in our group so when two members just walk off to go swimming it hurt us. We were able to finish the shelters but it took us longer because we had less help. When the two guys came back from swimming our leader Faham decided that we needed some rules. I believe in most of the rules because they will help us in our survival. One of the rules Faham made that I agree with is work now play later. This will allow us to get everyone’s support and will help us finish faster. Thus when we complete a job everyone can have fun not just a couple of guys. Another rule that I believe in is if you’re not sick/ dying you are going to have to work. It does not matter what you are working on but if others are working you should be working too. I think now that the rules are in place we won’t be having anymore incidents with people walking away from a job that is half way done. Together we can finish our tasks quickly and survive or we can work as individuals which will never finish all of the necessary jobs. (286)


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