Waste Treatment

Our waste management is located at the other side of the island, just around the corner from our shelters. It’s not too close and too far so it is easily accessible during times of emergency. To also make things more hygienic, we plan to dig a hole about 3 – 5 feet deep or take our bowel movements in the ocean so that it would be drifted away. This would make things clean and hygienic for us making it easier and it wouldn’t waste out time worrying about waste treatment.

However when currents are fast and strong that would drift use away, we will dig a 3 – 5 feet deep hole. After we have completed our bowel movements, it will be covered up by dirt. Rain is also a useful factor in this case because it would kill and wash it away. We will be given shifts to clean and create or waste treatments. We clean and dig our waste treatments by making our own shovels, to make our own shovels we use leftover fuselage from our shelters and attach it to a stick. We then shape the fuselage to the appropriate shape and start digging and cleaning.

Josh Lem