Today we found out that we were going to be saved. We saw a ship that was heading toward the island. They saw our signal fire and decided to see what was happening on the island. All of the boys are so grateful that we can now go back home to our families. This will mean we can sleep in our own beds again instead of the ground of the island. I am very glad we decided to have a signal fire because without it we would not be getting rescued. I am also very grateful to the other boys that we stranded on the island with me because without them I might not be alive today. We all worked together and the hard work paid off. There were some problems when we were on the island but we were able to work through them and still be alive long enough for rescue. My favourite part about being stranded was that I learned a lot of new things from the other boys that will help me later in life. Also I have made three new friends while being on the island which was a good thing. The thing that I found was the worst part of being stranded was the amount of work we had to do every day. Every single day we would have to work from when we woke up to when we went to bed. During the day we had to hunt and build different things. Some things took the whole day to do like building the shelters or catching a pig for dinner that night. We never got much time to have fun while we were on the island. When we were stranded it was like the book Lord of the Flies. We were boys stranded on a deserted island just like the characters in the book. I believe that we were the ones who had an easier time on the island because we were able to get more supplies from the plane than the boys in Lord of the Flies. Also we were able to co-operate better together than the boys in Lord of the Flies. If we had been stranded with the boys from Lord of the Flies we probably would not have had do as much work because there were a lot more boys stranded in Lord of the Flies than our situation. There were more boys so the work could be done faster so we could have had more fun during the day. Also I would have tried to get Ralph and Jack to co-operate more together so there wouldn’t have been two groups on the island. This would give the other boys more confidence in the group.
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