Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Journal #3 Faham

It’s been tough in the past few days it seems as if part the food that we collected has been disappearing. It might be an animal but that’s too unlikely. Someone among us has stolen the food. I don’t know who it is but it can’t be Josh or Yanko they aren’t like that but on the other hand it might have been Darcy. In my opinion all the problems come from his since he is to rash and violent. Also he always seems to have a full stomach while the rest of us always stayed hugry. He seems to be the kind of person who would do this but I can’t jump to conclusions just yet. I have to catch whoever it is in the act. I have decided what I am going to do; tonight I will stay up and see who the culprit is. But I won’t face him directly at night I will wait till the next day so that I can consult him properly. For that persons punishment I will make him do extra work and will make him try to get back all the food he had stolen. This will be our new rule that will apply to anyone who steals in the future. But I have make one thing for sure is that we won’t break apart as a group after finding out who this person is. That’s why I will have to make his crime look as if it was out of immaturity not greed. We need to work together if we are going to make it out of this island. If we don’t we may be stuck here forever and never make it out alive.

Day 2

I stayed up all night until I heard someone, it sounded as if someone was rushing and was against time. I looked outside my tent and to my expectations I saw Darcy. He was taking the food to the forest and every five minutes he came back and took some more.


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