Survival Guide


When the plane crashed we knew we would have to grab as much stuff as we could. We were not able to grab a lot of things from the plane but the things we did get we will need to aid our survival when we are on the island. The things we got include a large plastic sheet, flippers and harpoon, first aid kit, knives, signal flares, hammer and nails, mosquito netting, rope, axe and a tool box. The items will help us throughout the time we spend on the island. The items we were able to grab are useful because:

Large Plastic Sheet

With the large plastic sheet we can cover things like our food from weather and animals. We can also use it for things like a layer of the shelters. The plastic could be used for either because it would aid us in either situation but we chose to use it to cover our food supply.

Flippers and Harpoon
The flippers and harpoon will help us when we are fishing. This will allow us a new way to get food for us. Without the flippers and harpoon it will be impossible for us to fish because we won’t have any equipment for it. Another reason why the flippers and harpoon are a good item are they are reusable. After we catch a fish with the harpoon we can take the harpoon out and use it again for the next time we fish.

First Aid Kit
A first aid kit is essential for when someone gets hurt or sick. That is why the first aid kit was one of the first things we grabbed out of the plane. If someone gets hurt from something we will be able to treat them with the first aid kit. With the first aid kit it will help us whether someone gets a cut from tripping on something or if someone gets a fever we can tell their temperature with a thermometer.

The knives are one of the most important things we will use. This is because they can help us when we hunt on the island an later when we eat the animal we catch. It can also help us carve new weapons we can use to hunt with like spears made out of branches.
Signal Flares
When a plane or boat comes close to the island we will be able to send a signal flare up into the air to tell them someone is on the island and they need help. This will help us with our rescue in the end.
Hammer and Nails
The hammer and nails will help us build our shelters. It helps the shelters stay together with the nails so they don`t collapse on us during the night. 
Mosquito Netting
The mosquito netting will help us at night when the mosquitoes on the island come out. We can put the netting around the entrance of our shelters so we are not bitten by the mosquitoes during the night.
The rope will help us for things like building our shelters. We can use it to make the structure of our shelters better with it.
 The axe will help use cut wood that can build shelters, fires and hunting tools. The axe will make our jobs of getting wood much easier and quicker.
Tool Box
The tool box will aid use because it has things like a screw driver, a pair of pliers and 4 feet of rope. The more rope we can have the better for us because we will use it all for our shelters. The screw driver and pliers can help use when we are building things. We will mostly use the things in the tool box for the shelters.

Steps We Need to Take

When we first came to the island nothing had been changed by a human before. This gave us the task of having to create everything. We have decided to write down all of the necessary things we will need to survive on the island. We will also write down every step we did to create them so if we have to do it again we will know the exact things to do again. The necessary things that we will need included: shelters, waste management systems and hunting supplies.
The first thing we had to do to build the shelters was cut down the wood. We did this by using the axe we got off of the plane.  When we got enough wood we started building the shelters. The first thing we built was the base and the walls of the shelter. When we finished the walls and base we started the roof of the shelters. When we built the roof we used different layers of materials we got off of the plane like the plastic sheet. We want to be able to stay dry if it rains so we made sure the roof would not leak. The roof took the longest amount of time to build because the amount of layers we needed to have.  When we were building the shelters we used the rope and the nails we got off of the plane to hold pieces of wood together.
Waste Management System
There have never been humans on the island before so no one could have set up a waste system for the island.  We decided that we needed to have the waste system close enough to the shelters but far enough away from the shelters that we wouldn’t smell it. That is why we put it in the top right corner of the island.  We did not get any plumbing supplies from the plane so the way we decided to do it is for bowel movements you can either dig a 3- 5 hole then use it or go out into the ocean. The ocean one will not always work especially at night that is why we came up with two ways.
Hunting Supplies
The things that we got off of the plane that we can use to hunt include one harpoon and flippers set, knives, hammer and an axe. The hammer and the axe are not that good for hunting so instead we will make our own weapons. For fishing we can build fishing rods with some of the extra rope and a thick branch. For hunting everyone should a spear out of a thick branch that is about 4- 6 feet long. This is so that you don’t have to come to close to your prey to kill it. We can make one end really sharp by using the knives. Another tool we can make is a dagger.  We do have knives but not enough for everybody so if we make some daggers if they ever need it to catch prey they will be able to.

Island Map
When we came to the island we had to make a map so we wouldn’t get lost.  The main things we put onto the map was the shelter location, waste treatment location , crash site, fresh water source, mountains, forests, and the beach areas. We put every major part of the island onto the map.  Another thing we will do is when we catch or find food we will document it    below so we can find the best places to hunt are. 

What to Avoid on the Island
On the island there were a lot of things we could eat when we didn’t catch any animals. This included things like fruits on the trees and many different types of berries. However although there were things like fruit and berries there were also things that could poison us. The things that could poison us from ingestion included some berries, wild mushrooms and many fruits seeds. Many of the berries that were poisonous were in any colour but they most of the white and red berries are poisonous. The berries if ingested could kill the people that eat them. The wild mushrooms are not like the ones we buy at the store and if eaten can kill you because they have poison in them. Also we were told early by josh not to eat the seeds of many of the fruits because they have poison in the seeds. There were also things that could poison us on the island that we didn’t have to eat. This included poison ivy, poison oak, snakes. The poison ivy and poison oak was easy to tell where it was on the island. It was mostly in the middle of the forest on the other side of the stream. This part of the island we did not go on to man times so the poison ivy and poison oak didn’t really affect where we were on the island. Some of the snakes on the island were poisonous and some were not but many look very close so we decided that if we ever encounter a snake we should assume it is poisonous. This will help us know to get away as quickly as possible from the snake so we are not attacked.  The list we have created below will be looked at every time someone finds something they can eat. The person must use the list as a reference first to make sure nothing is poisonous.