After getting my food stolen, cooperating with the others is getting really hard since I don’t seem to trust them. It also seems that I wasn’t the only one that had my food stolen, everyone else seems angry when they woke up. For some reason they seem to suspect me however I didn’t steal and food at all. I don’t feel so great about this situation I am in, as a matter of fact I don’t like this situation one bit. When searching for food this afternoon, we all seem so aggressive like kids in elementary school who have been given a cookie but do not wish to share. I’m afraid that sooner or later we all go on our separate paths because of this incident and unable to work together. For now I plan to find the culprit behind this issue and catch him, I’m not sure what I am going to do afterwards but I suppose I should address him to the leader after this. After all he should know what to do with those that break the rules we have created. This would also ease the suspicion and lack of trust as well among the others. I don’t really have a good plan at the moment but I suppose I should set up a trap of some sort… but when the time comes I’ll know what to do exactly. This mission would have to be done silently and make sure no one catches me when I gather my resources and set it up.
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