Thursday, March 25, 2010

Journal #5, Yanko

Now that rescue is in sight, I feel as if my life has turned for the better. All the time spent on this island has certainly changed me. The way I see my life, and how I feel about things. I’ve developed a new thirst for life after realizing how precious it is. We are so lucky just to make it through every day. I feel blessed to even be staring at the rescue coming our way. My favourite part about being stranded, apart from being with friends, is that I learned many lessons. I learned how important it is to live with a purpose, and how important it is to hold onto your hope. No matter how slim chances might seem, or if everything seems to be going against you, hope must never be lost. The worst part about being stranded is disputes. Thankfully, we did not have many, and kept our heads straight when it came to problems. Compared to the boys in Lord of the Flies, we had it better because we were able to keep our cool, and stick together. If I was stranded with the characters, I would have worked very hard to keep the 2 groups from separating, and I would make sure everyone was happy so no problems would occur. The problem with their thinking is that they let the evil get to them. They were very weak when it came to their common sense and decisions. The boys in Lord of the Flies put themselves first, instead of the group. This is what lead to the vast difference in opinions, the splitting of groups, and ultimately, the death of some of the boys. If I was in their position, I would not repeat their mistakes, but instead teach them that 2 heads is always better than one.



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