Sunday, February 28, 2010

Journal #2 Yanko

While two of us were building the shelters, the rest of the group decided they wanted to take a swim. This is unacceptable. If we want to ever get rescued, we will need to work hard towards the common goal. After this, we decided that rules should be put in place. Firstly, work first, play later. This means that while we have tasks to complete, no one should be fooling around and playing games. The next rule is that there has to be a certain place designated for certain things. For example, there is a place set aside to be used as a washroom. We have stones set on the ground for cleaning fish. There are also trees set aside for firewood and shelter. Another rule is that no one is leader. This way, we won’t be bossed around and all decisions will be made as a group. I think the most important rules are the first and last. Working hard is what will get us rescued faster. We do not want to have our signal fire not smoking while a boat or plane is passing by. We also need to make all decisions as a group. I still think that the people that went for a swim made a bad decision. When priorities are completed, then we will be able to have fun. Perhaps if we split the work, some can rest and the others can work. But to walk away while we are busy working? This is no way for us to be rescued quickly. In the future, we will motivate each other by encouraging and promoting the positive results of our work. If someone is getting tired, then they will receive a break. Knowing that we must be rescued in order to survive is the sole drive of our efforts.

[ Words: 303]

Journal #1, Faham

The storm was terrible, it lasted for hours and we didn’t know what to do, in my opinion we were lucky to even survive that storm. Luckily we didn’t lose any of our items but I think that we may have lost our courage to actually survive on the island. That night was as if the storm was trying to hurt us but our luck had helped us survive. It was a storm I have never seen before, trees were falling thunder brightened the sky and at one point it looked as if the thunder hit the ground and left a scar, rain was pouring on us and I could barely see past 10 meters without drops of rain attacking my eyes. It was like a nightmare you are wishing to end but for some reason you won’t wake up. Right after the storm had settled and I knew one thing for sure was that this was not the last time we would see this horror. We needed to prepare and be ready for what was coming for us. The first solution would be making a shelter that was strong enough to withstand force and good enough to us. Also it was inevitable that a storm won’t destroy our shelters so we needed a cave with which we could stay in whenever there is an incident like that again. But to survive on the island we need food and water which would have to be searched for in groups. After a lot of negotiation everyone had picked me as there leader since I felt that I would be able to help us get out of here and that it I was confident enough to run the group. After the storm had ended we were left with sufficient supplies which were:

large plastic sheet

flippers and harpoon

first aid kit


signal flares

hammer and nails

mosquito netting



tool box.

This was my first day on the island and hopefully my worst day.

Faham Khan


Journal #1, Josh

The night was very cold, windy and very tiring; my head hurts and I keep getting drowsy, maybe it is due to the crash. I remember seeing everyone panicking and running around out of control, all I remember was that I was searching for supplies that would be needed… if I were to ever survive this crash and use them. Well it turns out I did, the plane crashed so hard I barely remember anything during the incident. I woke up and found that everyone around me is dead except for three other survivors. Luckily they gathered supplies of their own as well and we gathered our supplies. We huddled together through our first stormy, wet and cold night. Throughout the night we discussed what we should do first thing in the morning and who would our leader be, we have chosen and agreed that Faham would be the leader because he Was the one who felt that he was confident enough to control what was happening in the island. Starting tomorrow, we will see if there are any other survivors of the crash, followed by searching for food, building shelters and exploring the island. So far our supplies are large plastic sheet, flippers and harpoon, first aid kit, knives, signal flares, hammer and nails, mosquito netting, rope, axe, and a tool box. Right now my first priority is to be saved and hopefully it’s also our group’s goal as well, it would make life easier you know. All I really want right now is a nice juicy hamburger at the moment, when I get off this island I’m going to McDonalds for a whole week.

Journal #1, Darcy

Last night was the first night on the Island. I still can’t believe what happened earlier when the plane crashed. Only a few of the passengers survived including me. The first night on the island was very cold and damp. We did not have enough time to create a shelter so we had to sleep on the ground close to another for body heat. Hopefully by tonight we will have a shelter started or built so we will be sheltered from the elements. To build this we will need to make plans and find materials that are on the island to create our island. We will also need some of the survivors to collect things like firewood and food. We also need to figure out what resources are available to us on the island for future need. We will need to elect a leader soon to be able to delegate tasks. If we elect a leader and he gives us a job we don’t like it will be our own fault because we voted for them. Also the leader can help keep us civilized so we will treat each other properly. There was a big storm last night but luckily we did not lose any of our supplies. We do not have many supplies because it was all we could find around the crash spot. If we use our supplies properly we should be able to use them for things like food and shelter. Hopefully someone will find the island and take us back home soon. (256)

Journal #1, Yanko

The past couple of hours have been unbearable. With the plane crash and thunderstorm, we are lucky to still be alive. I cannot believe this happened to us, out of all the people in the world. Enough negativity, though... we will need to collect all our wits to survive this ordeal. After crashing in this island, which we still do not know if it is inhabited or not, we began searching for wreckage. We managed to collect a number of useful items, which will make life a lot easier. This took us several hours, and before we knew it, dawn had arrived. And the storm, well, took us all by surprise. It began as light rain, and in several minutes, turned into a torrential downpour. The wind was so strong that trees were swaying to the side. We were able to find a small-sized cave in which we spent the night in. Aside from the piercing winds and brutal cold, I thought back to my family and how they would react when they heard the news. I feel even worse about the friends and family of those who did not make the crash. After what seemed like decades, the storm died down just in time for sunrise. We plan on building a shelter, which should be easy as long as we don’t break any of our tools. Then, we will set up traps and hunt for food. I think that we do not need a leader, as we are capable of making smart decisions. If we disagree on something, we will have a vote. After the storm, we are left with a large plastic sheet, flippers and harpoon, first aid kit, knives, signal flares, hammer and nails, mosquito netting, rope, axe, and a tool box.

(Word count: 295)

Our Life

We lived a normal life before all this. We had a mother, father, we had everything that could make a peaceful life. But on that day, the day we stepped on that plane our lives had changed forever. It was a school trip in which we all had signed up and were heading across the sea to Europe. But on the way there was a terrible storm in which the pilot lost control and couldn't control the plane that was heading towards the fast unforgiving sea. It felt as if there was no way to survive but somehow we got out. While getting out we saw bodies, luggage and plane parts all going deeper to the dark unknown parts of the ocean. As soon as we reached the surface we were surrounded by fire that was being released by the broken plane parts. And all we could see was a island and nothing else. We swam to the island and it was only four of us who had survived. And the island was deserted, it was an uncharted island. We were alone, we had to take care of ourselves, we had to take protect ourselves, We had to survive.
This is where our story begins